Program Manuals

Under development


usage: ft_inject_pulsar [-h] -o OUTPUT [-p PULSE] [-S FLUX] [-i SIDX]
                        [--sidx-reffreq SIDX_REFFREQ] [-E PULSE_SIGMA]
                        [--pred PRED] [--f0 F0] [--f1 F1] [--f2 F2]
                        [--accn ACCN] [--pepoch PEPOCH] [-D DM] [-x]
                        [-c SCATTER_TIME] [-X SCATTER_INDEX]
                        [--scatter-reffreq SCATTER_REFFREQ] [-T SITE]
                        [--gain GAIN] [--tsys TSYS] [--rms RMS]
                        [--offset OFFSET]

Inject a pulsar signal into a filterbank file

positional arguments:
  input                 Input filterbank file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file name

Pulse profile settings:
  -p PULSE, --pulse PULSE
                        Pulse model type (sin, delta), or profile file to load
  -S FLUX, --flux FLUX  Phase averatge flux density (Jy)
  -i SIDX, --sidx SIDX  Spectral index
  --sidx-reffreq SIDX_REFFREQ
                        Spectral index reference frequency (1400 MHz)
  -E PULSE_SIGMA, --pulse-sigma PULSE_SIGMA
                        'sigma' for log-normal pulse intensity distribution

Pulse period settings:
  --pred PRED           Predictor or polyco for pulsar
  --f0 F0               Pulse frequency for simple spin model
  --f1 F1               Pulse freq 1st derivative for simple spin model
  --f2 F2               Pulse freq 2nd derivative for simple spin model
  --accn ACCN           Pulse accelerationfor simple spin model (overrides F1)
  --pepoch PEPOCH       Epoch of somple spin model (default=centre)

Propagtion settings:
  -D DM, --dm DM        DM of injected pulsar
  -x, --no-intra-chan-dm
                        Disable intra-channel DM
  -c SCATTER_TIME, --scatter-time SCATTER_TIME
                        Scattering timescale
                        Scattering index
  --scatter-reffreq SCATTER_REFFREQ
                        Scattering index reference frequency (default=1400MHz)

Telescope settings:
  -T SITE, --site SITE  Telescope description to use.
  --gain GAIN           Simulated telescope gain (K/Jy)
  --tsys TSYS           Simulated telescope tsys (K)
  --rms RMS             RMS in input data (default=auto)
  --offset OFFSET       Offset in input data default=auto)
usage: ft_inject_pulsar [-h] -o OUTPUT [-p PULSE] [-S FLUX] [-i SIDX]
                        [--sidx-reffreq SIDX_REFFREQ] [-E PULSE_SIGMA]
                        [--pred PRED] [--precision-pred] [--f0 F0] [--f1 F1]
                        [--f2 F2] [--accn ACCN] [--pepoch PEPOCH] [-D DM] [-x]
                        [-c SCATTER_TIME] [-X SCATTER_INDEX]
                        [--scatter-reffreq SCATTER_REFFREQ] [-T SITE]
                        [--gain GAIN] [--tsys TSYS] [--rms RMS]
                        [--offset OFFSET]

Inject a pulsar signal into a filterbank file

positional arguments:
  input                 Input filterbank file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file name

Pulse profile settings:
  -p PULSE, --pulse PULSE
                        Pulse model type (sin, delta), or profile file to load
  -S FLUX, --flux FLUX  Phase averatge flux density (Jy)
  -i SIDX, --sidx SIDX  Spectral index
  --sidx-reffreq SIDX_REFFREQ
                        Spectral index reference frequency (1400 MHz)
  -E PULSE_SIGMA, --pulse-sigma PULSE_SIGMA
                        'sigma' for log-normal pulse intensity distribution

Pulse period settings:
  --pred PRED           Predictor or polyco for pulsar
  --precision-pred      Call t2pred for every phase computation - slow
  --f0 F0               Pulse frequency for simple spin model
  --f1 F1               Pulse freq 1st derivative for simple spin model
  --f2 F2               Pulse freq 2nd derivative for simple spin model
  --accn ACCN           Pulse accelerationfor simple spin model (overrides F1)
  --pepoch PEPOCH       Epoch of somple spin model (default=centre)

Propagtion settings:
  -D DM, --dm DM        DM of injected pulsar
  -x, --no-intra-chan-dm
                        Disable intra-channel DM
  -c SCATTER_TIME, --scatter-time SCATTER_TIME
                        Scattering timescale
                        Scattering index
  --scatter-reffreq SCATTER_REFFREQ
                        Scattering index reference frequency (default=1400MHz)

Telescope settings:
  -T SITE, --site SITE  Telescope description to use.
  --gain GAIN           Simulated telescope gain (K/Jy)
  --tsys TSYS           Simulated telescope tsys (K)
  --rms RMS             RMS in input data (default=auto)
  --offset OFFSET       Offset in input data default=auto)


usage: ft_scrunch [-h] [-b BITS] [-N NORMALISE] [-c CHANS] [-s SAMPLES]
                  [-F FACTOR] [-D DC] [-O OFFSET] [-d DM] [-B BLOCKSIZE]
                  input output

'Scrunch' channels and/or samples in the input filterbank.
Output is scaled acording to the normalisation method and the supplied
scale factor. If scrunching by 's' samples and 'c' channels, with a 
scale factor 'F', the result is

out[i] = sum(in[i:i+s][i:i+c]) * F / g + o


g = c*s       for 'mean' normalisation
g = sqrt(c*s) for 'sqrt' normalisation
g = 1.0       for 'sum'  normalisation

and 'o' is a term to remove the addition of the DC offset, defined by

o = D - c*s*D*F/g

Note that o=0 if D=0, or in the case of mean normalisation (with F=1).

Generally mean normalisation is best to prevent overflowing small data
types, but 'sqrt' may better preserve weaker signals.

The values s,c,F,D can be set by the -s, -c, -F and -D options respectively.

This can also be useful to simply re-scale the data with c=1 and s=1.

If reducing number of bits, the output DC offset can also be set using the -O
option. E.g. to convert to 8-bit data to 2-bit data, one might try

 $ ft_scrunch -F 0.02 -b 2 -O 1.5 8bit.fil 2bit.fil

to write 2-bit data with the mean at 1.5 and scaling by a factor of 0.02

positional arguments:
  input                 Input filterbank file
  output                Output filterbank file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BITS, --bits BITS  Output number of bits (default=same as input)
                        Normalisation method (default=mean)
  -c CHANS, --chans CHANS
                        Number of adjacent channels to scrunch (default=1)
  -s SAMPLES, --samples SAMPLES
                        Number of adjacent samples to scrunch (default=1)
  -F FACTOR, --factor FACTOR
                        Scale factor (default=1)
  -D DC, --dc DC        DC offset (default=estimate)
  -O OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
                        Output DC offset (default=input)
  -d DM, --dm DM        Remove DM before scrunching channels (default=don't)
                        Set read block size


usage: ft_scrunch_threads [-h] [-b BITS] [-N NORMALISE] [-c CHANS]
                          [-s SAMPLES] [-F FACTOR] [-D DC] [-O OFFSET] [-d DM]
                          [-B BLOCKSIZE] [-t THREADS]
                          [--thread-chunk-size THREAD_CHUNK_SIZE] [--no-refdm]
                          input output

'Scrunch' channels and/or samples in the input filterbank.
Output is scaled acording to the normalisation method and the supplied
scale factor. If scrunching by 's' samples and 'c' channels, with a 
scale factor 'F', the result is

out[i] = sum(in[i:i+s][i:i+c]) * F / g + o


g = c*s       for 'mean' normalisation
g = sqrt(c*s) for 'sqrt' normalisation
g = 1.0       for 'sum'  normalisation

and 'o' is a term to remove the addition of the DC offset, defined by

o = D - c*s*D*F/g

Note that o=0 if D=0, or in the case of mean normalisation (with F=1).

Generally mean normalisation is best to prevent overflowing small data
types, but 'sqrt' may better preserve weaker signals.

The values s,c,F,D can be set by the -s, -c, -F and -D options respectively.

This can also be useful to simply re-scale the data with c=1 and s=1.

If reducing number of bits, the output DC offset can also be set using the -O
option. E.g. to convert to 8-bit data to 2-bit data, one might try

 $ ft_scrunch_threads -F 0.02 -b 2 -O 1.5 8bit.fil 2bit.fil

to write 2-bit data with the mean at 1.5 and scaling by a factor of 0.02

** This version is optimised for multi-threaded output **

positional arguments:
  input                 Input filterbank file
  output                Output filterbank file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BITS, --bits BITS  Output number of bits (default=same as input)
                        Normalisation method (default=mean)
  -c CHANS, --chans CHANS
                        Number of adjacent channels to scrunch (default=1)
  -s SAMPLES, --samples SAMPLES
                        Number of adjacent samples to scrunch (default=1)
  -F FACTOR, --factor FACTOR
                        Scale factor (default=1)
  -D DC, --dc DC        DC offset (default=estimate)
  -O OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
                        Output DC offset (default=input)
  -d DM, --dm DM        Remove DM before scrunching channels (default=don't)
                        Set read block size
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads
  --thread-chunk-size THREAD_CHUNK_SIZE
                        Number of blocks to process per thread
  --no-refdm            Don't set the REFDM header field when dedispersing


usage: ft_convert_signed_to_unsigned [-h] [-S] input output

Fix a filterbank style file that is encoded as signed data to unsigned data.
This program is intended to fix cases where a filterbank file has been written
by some external program as *signed* 8-bit values rather than the typical
unsigned 8-bit values. The new file is written as unsigned.

positional arguments:
  input            Input filterbank file, containing signed 8-bit numbers
  output           Output filterbank file, writen as unsigned 8-bit numbers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -S, --no-signed  Don't write an UNSIGNED entry in the output file


usage: ft_freqstack [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [-B BLOCKSIZE] input [input ...]

Stack filterbank files in the frequency direction.

The output file will start at the latest start time of the input files and end at the earliest end time.

The output file will be padded with zeros for channels not included in the input files.

Note that behaviour is not defined if the input data overlaps or the channel bandwidths vary between files!

positional arguments:
  input                 Input filterbank files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output filterbank file
                        Set read block size