Source code for filtools._data_scaling

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import yaml
import filtools
import os

class SimpleIntegerise:
        Converts floats to integers assuming previously digitised data had a uniform
        underlying distribution.

        :param thresh: Ignore values below this to improve performance (default 1e-8).
    def __init__(self,thresh=1e-8):

[docs] def __call__(self,block): """ Convert a block of floating point data to integers. """ mask=np.abs(block)>self.thresh block[mask] += np.random.uniform(size=np.sum(mask)) return np.floor(block)
class FluxScale: """ Helps scaling flux density data to the data format. This is used either by directly specifying a scale and offset to apply, or by setting a gain and Tsys value, or by specifying physical telescope parameters to define the gain and Tsys. """ def __init__(self, scale=1, offset=0): self.scale = scale self.offset = offset self.rms=0.5 self.gain=1.0 self.tsys=20.
[docs] def init(self,tsamp,bw,npol_avg=2): """ Call this once you have set the gain and tsys to set up the scaling. :param tsamp: sample time in seconds. :param bw: channel bandwidth in MHz. :param npol_avg: Number of polarisations that have been averaged already (1 or 2). """ sefd = self.tsys/self.gain sefd /= np.sqrt(npol_avg*tsamp*abs(bw)*1e6) self.scale=self.rms/sefd
[docs] def set_gain_from_physical(self, ndish, D, efficiency): """ Specify physical parameters to determine gain. :param ndish: Number of antennas :param D: Diameter of each antenna (m). :param efficiency: Efficiency of the observing system (antenna efficiency). """ effective_area = ndish * np.pi*np.power(D/2.0,2)*efficiency gain = effective_area / (2 * 1.38064852e3) self.gain=gain
[docs] def to_flux_units(self,buffer): """ Convert from file units to flux density units """ return (buffer-self.offset)/self.scale
[docs] def to_file_units(self,buffer): """ Convert from flux density units to file units """ return buffer * self.scale + self.offset
[docs] def set_gain_from_file(self,file): """ Read a yaml file with a telescope definition. Properties are: tsys, n_antenna, diameter, efficiency and/or gain. """ params={} lfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filtools.__file__),"site_data" ,file) try: with open(file, 'r') as f: try: params = yaml.safe_load(f) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) except: try: with open(lfile, 'r') as f: try: params = yaml.safe_load(f) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) except: pass if "tsys" in params: self.tsys=float(params['tsys']) if "n_antenna" not in params: params["n_antenna"] = 1 if "diameter" in params and "efficiency" in params and "n_antenna" in params: self.set_gain_from_physical(ndish=int(params['n_antenna']),D=float(params['diameter']),efficiency=float(params['efficiency'])) elif "gain" in params: self.gain=float(params['gain']) else: print(params) raise Exception("Cannot load telescope info from '{}' or '{}'",file,lfile)